TECHNICAL REPORT Published: 2019

Autonomy Design and Operations in Aviation: Terminology and Requirements Framework

Get a full summary and proposed requirements framework for autonomous and highly complex systems in this new technical report, the first published by ASTM International.

Sponsored and prepared by ASTM Technical Committees F37 on Light Sport Aircraft, F38 on Unmanned Aircraft Systems, F39 on Aircraft Systems, and F44 on General Aviation aircraft, this report serves as a guide to the future development of standards and practices associated with autonomous systems in aviation. The committees’ intended goal is to create common terminology to further advancements in aviation industry regulations and promote the adoption of related standards.

Each ASTM aviation committee will benefit from this report when developing and revising relevant aviation standards, using the framework in the report to determine and specify applicability of included requirements for autonomous and highly complex systems.

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Developed by Committee: F44
DOI: 10.1520/TR1-EB